Friday, December 31, 2010

New Year's Eve, blogging and the perfect resolution

Happy New Year! I'm an hour and 13 minutes early(at the time I started writing this), but the sentiment is there. Isn't it pretty here, now? My girl Tara fixed me up and I love it! Perfect to help me get back into blogging regularly. I miss it a lot. I've missed writing about so many things and I hate that. So, that's my resolution for 2011. Blog more. Not blog every day or even every week, just blog more. That's not so daunting a goal. Plus, the more I blog the more I will want to blog and soon I'll be a blogging-every-day fool!

As for other resolutions or goals, well, they're boring and pretty much the same old thing. Perhaps I will elaborate a little more tomorrow in my first blog post of the year 2011.

The evening has been fun with Papa Murphy's pizza, junk food, and silliness with Bubba, the kids and the dog. It's been a good year. Hopefully, the new year will be even better!

Happy New Year, my lovelies!

New Year's Eve excitement!



Love you Ang!! Happy New Year and Welcome back to regular blogging!! I think I am getting the hang of this regular blogging thing. I actually think of lots of things to blog about without much effort. Now to remember to write them down so I can prepare a few posts ahead in case of bloggers block.

Tracy S

YAY you are blogging again. I started up again last year... even though it is mostly about card I like your new look! Tara did a fine job. Like the new name as well.

Hope you and your fam have a wonderful 2011!

Tracy S

Jean-Luc Picard

Here's to the New Year!

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